Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Beauty Shorts: Curls, Caps and Cils

    It's been about a month and I am still all about air drying my hair. The change it's making in my hair is nothing short of a transformation. My normally straight-to-my-head-hair is now bouncy, wavy in ways I never thought possible and incredibly smooth.

    (This was my hair, probably two months ago, in it's natural, straight state.)

    I recently read somewhere that taking only two days off from the blow dryer is enough to help restore your hair. If two days works, you can imagine what seven days will do. I'm trying new products after each washing, and some have really blown me away.

    By far, what has given me the curliest hair has been Boing! Curling by UNITE. This light purple cream made my hair Boing! And these curls didn't frizz or flop, from the time my hair dried until the time I went to bed, my hair was seriously wavy.

    (This is me air dried after using Boing! Curling.) 

    (This is my hair on another day after using Boing!)

    This does leave hair a tiny bit crunchy, so you will need to gently smoosh (technical term) the hair to remove the crunchies. It's just a little bit of crunch, not anywhere near like what a gel will do to your hair. This is good stuff. I've been trying a ton of different products and so far, this is definitely in the top three (and it's vying for the top spot!).

    Since I'm trying to protect my hair color and my face from sun damage, I've upped my game.
    When I'm outside for extended periods of time, I've started wearing a hat with UPF Protection* 50+ built into the material. The Stephanie from Scala makes it so much easier to read my Kindle when lounging outside, and I'm not worried about my sunscreen melting because I know this stylish hat has my back.

    Finally, if you haven't heard me bragging about my super long lashes from RevitaLash, then you are missing out. My lashes used to be short and sad. Now they are almost perfect. Sometimes I still like to plump them even more with a primer. However, I am always missing small spots on my lashes, leaving little white primer dots that are easily seen on my cils.

    RevitaLash has a new Perfect Primer that makes sure your lashes look lush without those telltale white spots primers can sometimes leave behind. This primer is bright blue. Even if you miss a spot, it won't ruin your look. Sometimes, I forgo the mascara entirely and just go with a slightly plumped blue look. It does wonders for the whites of your eyes!

    *Ultra Violet Protection Factor. With a rating of 50, this means that the fabric is only allowing 1/50th of the UV radiation falling on the surface of the garment to pass through it. In other words, it blocks 49/50ths or 98% of the UV radiation.

    Some product was sent for review.

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