Monday, February 28, 2011

Adventures in Beautyland: My Amazing Aveeno Trip to the Independent Spirit Awards

    This weekend, courtesy of Aveeno, I got the chance to go to the Independent Spirit Awards, get access to some serious after parties and learn all about the new products Aveeno has been working oh-so-hard on.

    I'm now an Aveeno brand ambassador, which means I'll be up-to-date on all Aveeno product launches, can get direct answers to your burning questions (Is their shea butter source sustainable? Yes it is!) and probably hook you up along the way.

    (The flourless cake that was part of our lunch. It was amazing!)

    But back to my weekend. It started with a lovely day of pampering at the beyond beautiful Exhale Spa at the Miramar Hotel. Myself and the other brand ambassadors were treated like queens while receiving Aveeno-based treatments.

    (Anne Houseman and I after our facials.)

    (Anne  getting an gorgeous blowout.)

    Celeb stylist, Patrick Melville, helped to direct the stylists, giving them "hairspiration" for our fancy-pants dinner that night. Later in the afternoon, makeup artists put the finishing touches on all of us, before we headed back to the hotel to change.


    Unfortunately, this weekend was almost as cold in L.A. as it has been in Baltimore. I wouldn't have minded, but I didn't truly heed the warnings. Shutters on the Beach, our hotel, was possibly the loveliest hotel in which I have ever had the pleasure of staying. Two things are worth noting at this point in my story:

    I got lost finding my hotel room after I swore up and down to the front desk I could handle it. I had to call someone to come find me and show me the way. I can't be the first one. You had to take a specific elevator to the third floor, walk down a hall, outside (in the rain), take another elevator to the second floor, walk around a corner, go outside again and use a secret password to find the elusive room 242. The best/worst part? I almost got lost several other times. It's what happens when you don't instinctively know left from right.

    (This is half of my bathroom. You could almost miss the whale in the room if you don't look carefully enough.)

    There was a whale in my (beautiful, if you aren't afraid of them) bathtub. It looked friendly, but I am quite certain it was mocking me. I'm not sure why whales/sharks/alligators keep me away from
    bathtubs, pools and lakes, but not the ocean. But they do. Along with never having a cup of coffee or smoking a cigarette, I haven't willingly taken a bath since I was old enough to say no.


    Read up on my ridiculous and completely real phobia here.

    But I digress. After throwing my luggage everywhere, I met up with all 25+ ladies in the lobby ,where I just missed Goldie Hawn.We then boarded our official bus and headed off for dinner. By dessert, I had been up for almost 23 hours and Amber  (Beauty Junkies Unite) and I lead an accidental revolution to go back to the hotel and go to sleep. Yes, I was almost too tired to eat my dessert (all of which I kept calling a churro, despite it being cake, sorbet and a cannoli. I blame exhaustion.)


    Finally back at the hotel, I climbed into the world's tallest (there is a stool in the closet, just in case you needed a boost) and most comfortable bed. It was a wonderful ending to the beginning of a whirlwind weekend.

    Soon, I'll have all of the details from the Independent Spirit Awards (where I added myself to the press section of the red carpet and then passed for ISA staff and got the inside deets). I got loads of pics, and a chance to tell some of my favorites that I loved their performances. I hung with Leonard Maltin and some paparazzi guy who didn't know Ewan McGregor from Jesse Eisenberg. Afterwards, Anne from Beauty Expose and I tried to hone in on some serious award show swag, took some terrible photos for Loxy and became besties with one of the Award winners. If you're curious, there are some pics on the right hand side of the blog - check them out. Some celebs were so incredibly kind it was beautiful. And some were slightly tool-ish.I'll give you all of the details shortly. I just need to catch my breath, unpack, go through hundreds of photos and sort it all out. I have so many things to share, including some amazing new products you need to know about!

    This trip was paid for by Aveeno, as I am now proudly a brand ambassador. All opinions are my own. See my disclosure for full details.

     Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

BeautyLand Tour from the Independent Spirit Awards!

    Before you read about the best news and reviews from the web, please check out my Independent Spirit Updates that will start tomorrow around noon (pst). You'll be able to check out the behind the scenes action at the ISA's from the pictures on the right side of this blog. Also, be sure to follow me @Gouldylox on Twitter for news from the awards.

    How did I get here? I'm learning some amazing things about Aveeno and they are kind enough to let me go to the awards. I'm hoping to get the chance to ask some of my favorite celebs a few questions. Anything you would like me to ask? Leave me a comment and I'll see what I can do!

    Ready to watch the Academy Awards? Who doesn't love to watch the stars - and their fashion and beauty selections for the evening? We had some ideas this week to make you Oscar-ready.

    Tim Quinn, Giorgio Armani makeup artist to the stars (we're sure he will be helping the Armani favorites get ready for the red carpet this weekend), talked to Kari about finding the right foundation. You can learn from him at Fab over Forty.

    Rouge Bunny Rouge is a niche European brand that has been getting a lot of online buzz and a cult of fans. Learn more from Gaia at The Non-Blonde.

    The new NARS Illuminators shades are also getting a lot of blogger attention. Check out Amy's impressions at Café Makeup.

    Jo Malone has launched a new line of Tea Fragrance Blends, and Sabrina tried them all. Head over to The Beauty Look Book to find out which one(s) might be right for you.

    Charlestongirl got a preview of La Prairie's summer makeup collection at a Neiman Marcus party. Check out Best Things in Beauty to see what's coming.

    Ever heard of Dermae skin care? Jane can give you the 411 at Daly Beauty.

    Bare Escentuals has introduced Buxom Smoky Eye Sticks. Jennifer had the scoop at BeautyXposé. Is there one in your future?

    Are you starting to look pasty, winter white? Laurie has been loving L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Self-Tanning Towelettes. Want to learn more? Head over to Product Girl.

    Do we need a bottom lash mascara? Debbie gave us her opinion of the new Clinique mascara at DivaDebbi.

    Kelly has a new obsession. Find out at Gouldylox Reviews how Konad made her wild and crazy!

    Let us know what you think about the red carpet! We'll be chatting next week.

    Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Am Obsessed with Konad.

    I haven't written about my newest obsession, Konad Nail Stamping Art. I am so late to the game it shows my lameness when it comes to nail trends. It may also highlight that my cuticles constantly look like a lawnmower ate them, not pretty like nail bloggers' nails look. However, since people are stopping me everywhere asking to see my nails, I figured it may be worth sharing for some other Konad newbies.

    Konad is the company who makes this nail stamping system and it's kind of like saying Kleenex. (Other companies make the nail stamping plates, but everyone just basically calls it Konad.) It's really, really easy and there are a million tutorials online that will do a better job than I can possibly do, so check them out on YouTube. I really like these.

    Here is a short version of how it works.

    Create a design in your mind by picking out colors and stamps that you want to use.

    (This was my plan.)

    Get all of your supplies out, as you will have to work fast once you get started. This includes, but not limited to:

    Nail polish remover

    Several paper towels

    A scraper (I have found that my Crown Rewards Hallmark card works best. It's just the right amount of bendy. I have experimented with different cards as scrapers in only the way an obsessed person can.)

    A Konad Stamper

    Nail polish

    Design plates

    Cotton Buds

    Once you've gotten your kit together and laid out, start by using a base coat of polish on your nude nails. Then polish your nails with the primary polish color.

    Then take your design plate, put a bit of polish on it, use the card to scrap off the excess, and press down fairly hard with the stamper.

    Then apply the stamp to your finger with a rolling motion.

    Wipe off the stamp and the stamper with a polish remover soaked cotton bud.

    Do each nail.

    Then let the polish dry thoroughly and use a top coat.

    This is so much fun, I am obsessed.

    I've also been really, really annoying to my much more in-the-know-than-me pal in the Netherlands, Martje. (Please check out her blog!) Between her help and YouTube, here are some tips I've amassed.

    1. Press down hard with the stamper when you are picking up the stamp.
    2. Always roll the design over your nail, don't stamp it.
    3. If the stamp isn't picking up, try diluting the polish a teensy bit with polish thinner.
    4. Check your stamp before stamping to make sure you shouldn't remove extra bits with a remover soaked cotton bud.
    5. Put a clear coat over the base color so if you mess up, you can remove the design without messing up the base color.
    6. You don't need Konad polishes exclusively for stamping. You just need opaque polishes.
    7. Don't use the metal scraper that comes in the kit. You'll scratch the plates.

    I am obsessed with this. Have you tried it yet? Where is your favorite place to purchase supplies? What plate can you not live without? Tell me all about it, please!

    Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Adventures in Beautyland: Prepping for the Independent Spirit Awards

    Recently, I've gotten a major opportunity for some serious fun. And with all of the drama that has been going on in my non-blog life, I am ready to enjoy the weekend in LA with several of my blogging friends.

    While the weekend will be full of beauty and blogging and lovely, lovely things, I am most excited about going to the Independent Spirit Awards. It's not just that I love Joel McHale and hope to see the stars of Winter's Bone. I really love movies.

    (Buried is intense. If you have claustrophobia issues, you may not make it through the whole movie.)

    I watch a lot of movies (and television). Last weekend, we watched five. (Buried was intense and excellent. Never Let Me Go looked beautiful and was the opposite of what I would expect from the guy who directed all of those Nine Inch Nail music videos in the 90's.) Loxy loves movies even more than me. He can listen to movie dialogue, hear the sound of the score and identify the movie, without ever looking at the screen. Usually in under 45 seconds.

    (Never Let Me Go has a better second half than first half, but the whole thing is gorgeous.)

    Needless to say, I'm EXCITED.

    It also poses a small problem. While all girly and into makeup and stuff, I am also a bit of a shy tomboy. Going to a Hollywood award show means some kind of glamour, even if it is Independent. Here's the thing.

    I am bad at dressing myself.

    I'm even worse when it comes to wearing girly shoes. I wear motorcycle boots almost every day. I can't walk in heels - I fall. Once, an orthopedist looked at the way I was standing and asked if I fell a lot. He suggested I avoid heels and stick to my boots. He didn't know what I should do in the summer, but felt it imperative I avoid most heels.

    (Scout and I almost even have the same haircut.)

    Don't believe me? Ask Anne from Beauty Xpose (who is also going to the ISA's). She was on speed dial and texted me continuously while I was looking for shoes. I'm helpless with these things. Questions like, "It's not quite camel, it's more like my foot if it was made into a (faux) patent leather, is that still ok?" were normal and constant. That Anne is a saint.

    So what does my plus-size, movie-loving, tomboy-self wear to an awards show? When I asked my friends, my list of requirements were outlandish* and they grew tired of my queries quickly. Luckily, I found something lovely, fast. And found jewelry that makes me happy, which no one else is likely to rock. (I'm much better with accessories. At least the kind you wear and not carry.)

    My next decisions? What makeup to take with me. This is a whirlwind trip and I don't want to lug a million things with me. This coming from the girl with gobs of lip gloss in her purse every day and a vanity whose top is rarely seen. I'd love to hear your ideas, so leave them in the comments or send me an email. I will say this about my dress, it's not black (but is dark) and my accessories are varying metallics.

    (Paget easily has the longest lashes of anyone at the BAU and possibly of anyone on television.)

    While broadcast at night, the actual awards ceremony is during the day. I'm certainly not likely to be caught on the red carpet, but that hasn't stopped me from thinking about a makeup scheme. My lashes are getting crazy at this point. I'm practically a lash double for Paget Brewster. I'd love to play them up. Ideas? I would love to hear them! Leave them in the comments or email me!

    My list of requirements for things needed for this trip:
    *No leather
    *Obviously no fur
    *Can carry items needed for working
    *Not so fancy that I feel like a fish on a bicycle
    *Upcycled when possible
    * Not over 2 inches high
    *Avoids showing my monkey feet as much as possible
    *Not easily wrinkled/destroyed by me

    *Not expensive
    *Not cheap looking

    Aveeno sponsors an award at the Independent Spirit Awards and is fully responsible (along with Recyclebank) for my attending the event.

    Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sephora's Floral Funk Eyeshadow Palette

    I picked up this Sephora Collection Floral Funk Eyeshadow Palette a few weeks ago. It's so cute! I'm told that Sephora changed their shadow formulation late last year (so say the staff of the store I frequent) and that the new formulation is much better.

    They tell me it's creamier, smoother and wears longer with better pigmentation in the shades.

    ( The shadows are half over a primer and half over plain skin.)

    So far, I'm not disagreeing. I honestly hated the shadows in the past (and don't get me started on their gloss), but these wear really nicely.

    The color definitely is stronger if you use a primer, but I don't think these are intended to be really strong colors. I don't feel like I am struggling to get color payoff, but some of the colors are lighter than they look like they might be.

    I love the silver, green, purple and light gray. It's a fun palette for spring with beautiful cool tones. But I still maintain that anyone can wear almost any color. It's all in how you put it together.

    Have you picked this up? It's also available in a palette of warmer colors. I'm digging it!

    I bought this. Sephora doesn't test on animals.

    Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, February 21, 2011

New on the Q Tonight! Tarte's Pure Maracuja Oil

    Tarte is launching a new product on the Q tonight at 7pm that you will definitely want to check out. Pure Maracuja Oil is harvested from fruit that grows on vines around the banks of the Amazon. Tarte has started a sustainable harvest cooperative to capture the "puro milagro" oil (pure miracle) for their exclusive use. This annual harvest not only yields the pulp from the Maracuja vines, but also helps employ women of the region. (Even the glass bottle it comes in is recycled!) Check out this video of Maureen's recent visit to the Amazon.

    Maracuja Oil may be the next thing your skin can't live without. After six weeks of use, more than 90% of women said that their skin looked:

    Rejuvenated and renewed
    More radiant and luminous
    Fine lines and wrinkles look reduced

    After a mere three weeks of use, 88.9% said their skin texture was visibly improved and 90.7% said the overall moisture level of their skin had improved.

    This is 100% Pure Maracuja Oil. It hasn't been diluted with anything. This oil contains loads of essential fatty acids, which are known to help repair and rebuild skin, while making it brighter and reducing fine lines. Maracuja Oil is rich in Omega 6, Omega 9, Stearic Acid, Linolenic Acid and Palmitic Acid. It is said to absorb immediately, not leaving behind a greasy film.

    Think it's just for dry skin? It's not! While it is hydrating, it does more than just moisturize. It can help balance oily skin, make dull skin brighter and soothe sensitized skin. According to Tarte, this oil does not cause breakouts.

    This will debut tonight (2/21/2010) on the Q at 7pm. Maracuja Oil will retail for $46. Are you going to pick it up or wait and see? While I am trying to keep spending to a minimum these days, this might be too good for me to pass up. Thoughts?

    ps- A little birdy told me that Tarte also has a pretty fab TSV coming up on 3/14. Check it out here.

    Tarte doesn't test on animals.

    Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Dalton Fresh Coat Tinted Primer with SPF 20

    I'm always looking for ways for my skin to look naturally flawless, without looking caked with foundation. Some primers help extend the wear of foundation and some help prep the skin to look airbrushed. Some primers even reduce redness or uneven tone. It's a rare product that does all three.

    Dalton's Fresh Coat Tinted Primer actually does a nice job of doing all three things. And it even gives you some sun protection with an SPF of 20!

    (Blended into the skin. It becomes virtually colorless. The yellowness disappears.)

    You only need a little bit of this weightless mousse to help even out your skin. It reminds me of the much more expensive primer/foundation from Perfekt. I know loads of people had previous issues with the pump on this product. When I got my product, I thought I had gotten a bum bottle as well. Then I realized (thanks to the nifty label) that you have to turn the entire top slightly to open the pump. I haven't had any problems with the pump (once I read the label.)

    I've found that my foundation wears much longer on days when I use this product. It also does help even out my skin tone, which I love! That said, I have very pale skin. If you aren't similarly pale, this may not work on your skin tone.

    If you are a fan of light, mousse-like primers that make your skin feel like silk without feeling like you are wearing a ton of silicone, then you will like this!

    Product was sent for review. Dalton does not test on animals.

    Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Beautyland Tour, 2/14

    Does it seem like winter is dragging on this year? Maybe there's a glimmer of spring not only outside, but inside with beauty. See what our women of beauty are sharing this week.

    Let's start the roundup with spring makeup. Gaia was one of the first to get her hands on Le Métier de Beauté's Smoldering Embarkment Eye Kaleidoscope (mine arrived last night). You have to visit her at The Non-Blonde to see it!

    Carla at Product Girl has the scoop on Butter London's spring collection, straight from Nonie Creme herself, the brand's creative director. Find out the inspiration behind the painterly palette and her nod to greige nails.

    Amy shared her experience with Chantecaille's Sea Turtle Palette at Café Makeup. Even though it arrived slightly damaged (probably from being knocked around by UPS), the palette is a keeper! Amy's photos are gorgeous.

    The brief arrival of Chanel's newest line of lipsticks, Rouge Coco Shine, had a lot of us buzzing. It was released early in one shade, Boy. I paid $10 to get my $32 lipstick delivered from Florida! Jane at Daly Beauty got her hands on it too. See what she thinks of Boy.

    Tired of paying department store prices for your makeup, but can't find quality in the drugstore brands you've tried? Chelsea from BeautyXposé shared her experience with the new Maybelline Fit Me line.

    I am smitten with Clé de Peau's La Beauté Éblouissante Collection for Spring 2011, with pastel looks for the eyes and brilliant, shiny lips, the collection is right up my alley. You can see it by scrolling down or clicking this link.

    Did you see the Grammy Awards red carpet last Sunday? Kari from Fab over Forty gave us the details on the fabulous over 40 Nicole Kidman and her beauty look, created by Carol Shaw and LORAC cosmetics. Kidman looked better than I've seen her look at an awards show in years. Worth replicating, so make sure to hop over to Fab!

    Kelly reviewed pieces from the skin-care line By Nieves at Gouldylox Reviews. The line received accolades for Best Local Skincare Line by SF Weekly. Be sure to read the review and see her glowing results.

    Brushes are an important piece to the beauty puzzle. How they work can change a look completely. Sabrina shared with us her must-have eye brushes at The Beauty Look Book. You will want to read her feature!

    Debbi of DivaDebbi was on the hunt to find a replacement for her long-time favorite blush. Read about her dilemma and what she found during her Sephora Safari.

    Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, February 18, 2011

New From tarte: Amazonian Clay 12 Hour Blush

    I recently scored this bright peach blush from tarte (my twitpal EyelinerOnTheCat would probably like it).

    Tipsy is a really pretty pigmented peach blush that adds a wallop of color to your cheeks. And thanks to the Amazonian Clay, it claims to last for 12 hours. But does it? Blush, more so than any other product, seems to skeet right off my face faster than you can say "skeet right off my face."

    So I am going to put it to the test!

    I wore this blush with my regular liquid foundation and my Face Perfector to finish my look.

    Did it last a full 12 hours?

    My day was really hectic on the day I officially tested this. I was at work by 9am (on a blisteringly cold day) and was there doing tv stuff until 4, when I left for a mongo Karma Dogs event, where hundreds of kids would take the Oath of Kindness. Then I left that program mid-stream to race across Baltimore to make it to a doctor's appointment. So did the color hold up?

    By the end of a long day, it's still there. It's not quite as vibrant as it was, but it's still there!

    Tarte sent this for review. Tarte doesn't test on animals.

    Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lipstock Cream: Organic Goodness In A Sweet Package

    I have a serious sweet tooth and this is right up my alley! This adorable lip cream from Lipstock is serious help for women struggling with a parched pucker (although despite it's candied look and containing marshmallow*, it has no flavor).

    Lipstock Cream Lip Conditioner is 100% natural, made from USDA Organic ingredients and each batch is handmade. It has no fragrance or flavor and is preservative- and cruelty-free. Besides all of that, what makes this balm different from others, you ask? It includes watermelon seed oil, which I am told is extremely lightweight and hydrating. It also includes grapeseed oil, beeswax and avocado oil in a creamy formula that doesn't leave your lips feeling greasy.

    It even adds a pretty shine to the lips. I've been applying it once before going to bed for the last week and I've been waking up with dreamy lips that feel wonderful pretty much all day. I'm mainly an inside girl, so keep that in mind. My lips get incredibly dry, but it's not like I'm outside hiking all day. Either way, this lip conditioning cream feels wonderful, is very hydrating and it works.

    Check it out for yourself at

    Product was sent for review. This isn't tested on animals.

    Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Runway to Real Way: The François Nars Downturned Eye

    This photo started hitting the web a few days ago, showing a downturned eye at the Marc Jacobs show. Curious as to if a real woman could rock this look, I decided to give it a try.

    The look by Nars was very clean, with blush done in a downward position as well. I opted for a slightly blended downward line, with a slight sheen to the lid from a shadow and no crease color. I also didn't extend the line quite as far as Nars did at the show. But in the real world, I'm going to work today, so I wanted to be realistic. When I look in the mirror, I really don't care for it, but when I look in the pictures, I don't see that big of a difference. If anything, it does make my eyes look bigger and very round. But I also think it makes me look slightly sad. Maybe this would work better on someone with almond or doe shaped eyes more than moi?

    What do you think? Would you ever wear this? While I'm not making any promises, I am not convinced this look is going into my bag of tricks.

    Photo taken from Hair On the Brain.

    Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.