So true. But it would be even better to finish top ten, right?
Gouldylox Reviews is one in the schmillions of blogs nominated to receive the highest honor of being named the number one blog in the Misfit Category in the Baltimore Sun Mobbies. (I told you it was prestigious!)
I would love it if you could take 2 minutes and vote for Gouldylox. If you are compelled, you can vote more than once or for more than one blog. I'll be your new bestie if you vote every day. (Sorry, X!) I'm all about sharing the voting love and honestly, just want to finish respectfully. So if you've ever dug a review or left a nasty comment which ended with us being friends, consider voting for me, Gouldylox, to be the top ranking blog in the Misfit Category. If you are feeling really generous, feel free to vote for me in the Personal Twitter Category and the Facebook Page Category as well!
If you are new to GR, here are some highlights you may have missed:
Loxy gets a facacta haircut at the corner Hair Cuttery. He asked me to write about it so your strands wouldn't suffer the same cruel fate his did. And yes, he asked me to post those pictures.
What not to do during a blizzard while you are recovering from a chemical skin peel.
I test waterproof makeup in a water filled hamster ball and in the shower. And have the video to prove it.
Clearly, this is serious business. Thanks for voting and thanks for reading! Vote early and vote often!
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