My hair is going through a change. Not only am I having goat hair* issues, but I am having a hard time coloring my hair at home. The color isn't adhering evenly to my hair and in many instances, the color is coloring the gray at all. Sometimes I am left with a murky swath of hair that is a dull ashy brown and other times, I am left with a yellowy gray swath of hair that is the telltale sign of hair color gone wrong. In short, nothing is covering my gray.
I decided to give SAMY Fat Foam a try because 1) it's a different kind of hair color and 2) I had heard that it covered gray really well. What makes it different? Instead of being a cream, you mix a liquid and a powder together to make a foam. You then apply the foam to your hair and wait for a 30-40 minutes and rinse and condition. I used the Medium Reddish Brown. Here is a photo essay of my hair coloring experience. (Photos are courtesy of Loxy, who sacrificed his Call of Duty teammates to take these photos at the precise time I was ready to color. Thanks Sgt. Loxy!)
This is what it comes with: Directions, shampoo and conditioner, powder, liquid, mixing cup and gloves.
Then you add the powder. Next you shake it for thirty seconds (with the cap on). When you take the cap off, it looks a little like a foamy drink. But don't drink it.
This is shockingly easy and not anywhere as messy as you might think. It's also a really fast application.
After you apply it to your roots, you gently apply it to the rest of your hair, pressing the color into the hair shaft. Then you wait the directed amount of time (30-40 minutes) and shampoo and condition with the enclosed packets. The foam grips each strand of hair and doesn't drip at all. This was actually a neater application for me than with my usual at-home brush and creme color method. It also seemed like a much faster application than what I usually do. I was a little surprised by the ease of this at home hair color. I would definitely use this again!

Here is my hair after I shampooed, conditioned and styled. My hair is a vibrant, vibrant red. I am SHOCKED at how well it covered my roots. I could make the argument that it covered my roots too well, making the hair that was gray much redder than the ends of my hair (which would make sense, as the gray hair is a very different color from the rest of my hair). After a week or so, the color on the roots faded slightly and everything is now basically one tone.
I loved the experience of coloring my hair with Fat Foam. I am shocked by how well it covered my color-resistant grays. I do have two small issues: 1) the packets of shampoo and conditioner are way too small to use if you have hair that is any longer than mine or overly porous. 2.) The red continued to run when rinsed for a few days. While this isn't that uncommon with reds, it would be nicer to hold on the color a little longer.
That said, my hair is now a lovely shade of red and it matches from root to tip. This was definitely one of the easiest ways to color hair and without any additional dryness or damage from the process. I would definitely use this again!
SAMY Fat Foam is available in ten different shades at WalMart and retails for less than $10. Have you tried this? Let me know! Hey, if you don't mind, would you please click the stumble button below? Thanks!
I needed to color my hair again, about 3.5 weeks after I colored it the first time. While I really liked the auburn shade of red I had gotten last time, I wanted to be slightly less auburn and a little more on the orange/red side. Since I wanted to use this product again, I decided to make my own custom color.
First of all, I can say with certainty that SAMY does not suggest you do this on your own. If you are not a hair adventurist with a decent background in hair related chemistry, then stop reading. And for the love of dogs, do not try this on your own. If you do, then don't blame me when it goes wrong.
Now that we have gotten the disclaimer out of the way, here is what I did. I bought two boxes of SAMY Fat Foam. One in the same color I had used before, Medium Reddish Brown and I also purchased Light Golden Brown. I used a hair color measuring cup to create a 50/50 mix of the two powders. You have to be VERY careful doing this to make sure you maintain the right powder to liquid ratio, or all bets are off. In my measuring cup, one half of the powder contained in one small bottle came out to 20 cc's (I think it was 20 on the cc side). I added the second powder to total 40 cc's. I then mixed and applied according to the directions.

Success!! My hair is a less auburn color and is slightly more of an red/orange color. I took an after picture in front of the same (unhelpful) dark brown door so you can measure it against my hair color I did a few weeks ago. The door makes it look a little more auburn that I think it looks in person. But for comparison sake, here it is.
Here are the colors side by side. It's a small difference, but I like it.
This product was sent to me for the purposes of review. I will have to get back to you on their animal testing status.
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I decided to give SAMY Fat Foam a try because 1) it's a different kind of hair color and 2) I had heard that it covered gray really well. What makes it different? Instead of being a cream, you mix a liquid and a powder together to make a foam. You then apply the foam to your hair and wait for a 30-40 minutes and rinse and condition. I used the Medium Reddish Brown. Here is a photo essay of my hair coloring experience. (Photos are courtesy of Loxy, who sacrificed his Call of Duty teammates to take these photos at the precise time I was ready to color. Thanks Sgt. Loxy!)

Here is my hair after I shampooed, conditioned and styled. My hair is a vibrant, vibrant red. I am SHOCKED at how well it covered my roots. I could make the argument that it covered my roots too well, making the hair that was gray much redder than the ends of my hair (which would make sense, as the gray hair is a very different color from the rest of my hair). After a week or so, the color on the roots faded slightly and everything is now basically one tone.
I loved the experience of coloring my hair with Fat Foam. I am shocked by how well it covered my color-resistant grays. I do have two small issues: 1) the packets of shampoo and conditioner are way too small to use if you have hair that is any longer than mine or overly porous. 2.) The red continued to run when rinsed for a few days. While this isn't that uncommon with reds, it would be nicer to hold on the color a little longer.
That said, my hair is now a lovely shade of red and it matches from root to tip. This was definitely one of the easiest ways to color hair and without any additional dryness or damage from the process. I would definitely use this again!
SAMY Fat Foam is available in ten different shades at WalMart and retails for less than $10. Have you tried this? Let me know! Hey, if you don't mind, would you please click the stumble button below? Thanks!
I needed to color my hair again, about 3.5 weeks after I colored it the first time. While I really liked the auburn shade of red I had gotten last time, I wanted to be slightly less auburn and a little more on the orange/red side. Since I wanted to use this product again, I decided to make my own custom color.
First of all, I can say with certainty that SAMY does not suggest you do this on your own. If you are not a hair adventurist with a decent background in hair related chemistry, then stop reading. And for the love of dogs, do not try this on your own. If you do, then don't blame me when it goes wrong.
Now that we have gotten the disclaimer out of the way, here is what I did. I bought two boxes of SAMY Fat Foam. One in the same color I had used before, Medium Reddish Brown and I also purchased Light Golden Brown. I used a hair color measuring cup to create a 50/50 mix of the two powders. You have to be VERY careful doing this to make sure you maintain the right powder to liquid ratio, or all bets are off. In my measuring cup, one half of the powder contained in one small bottle came out to 20 cc's (I think it was 20 on the cc side). I added the second powder to total 40 cc's. I then mixed and applied according to the directions.
Success!! My hair is a less auburn color and is slightly more of an red/orange color. I took an after picture in front of the same (unhelpful) dark brown door so you can measure it against my hair color I did a few weeks ago. The door makes it look a little more auburn that I think it looks in person. But for comparison sake, here it is.
Here are the colors side by side. It's a small difference, but I like it.
This product was sent to me for the purposes of review. I will have to get back to you on their animal testing status.
Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement.